I would like to take this opportunity to welcome the new Central Committee Members and to thank each and everyone for the confidence entrusted to me to lead PAAM for another term as the President. My sincere appreciation to all those who had supported for the success of the 25th Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on 25th April, 2010.
My special thanks to Cik Nurhafizah Mohamad, representing Tan Sri Dr. Sulaiman Mahbob, Chairman of the Advisory Board, Dato Lim Fung Chee, a member of the Advisory Board, PAAM past Presidents, Dato’ Haji Nik Mohd Kamil and Mr. Michael Lim and representatives from PAAM branches for their kind presence.
It was with a heavy heart and mixed feeling during the AGM to announce the closure of our AOTS Kuala Lumpur office on 30th March, 2010 after more than 20 years of close partnership with them in promoting various programs. Our sincere appreciation to all the AOTS past General Managers and Staff members who had supported us in one way or the other throughout their tenure in making our programs possible.
During our 1st Central Committee Meeting on 19th May, we were glad to see the chairman from our Sarawak branch Mr. Victor Hii who had taken time off from his busy schedule to attend our meeting. The sharing session was most beneficial as we are able to have better understanding in managing the branch. It is significant to know that branches are very committed and are planning for various activities. I strongly believe that Branches will have more active promotional activities in the coming months. It is hope that the new elected team will be able to carry out more meaningful activities for members and the community at large.
I look forward to having your continuous support and hope to see you all the next coming event.
Together We Can Achieve More.
Wishing everyone good health and ever happiness.
CL Yang. PJM
Tan Sri Dr. Sulaiman bin Mahbob, by President of PAAM on 5th April
When asked on what transpired during the meeting, this is what Mr. Yang has to say:-
“I had a meeting with Tan Sri Dr. Sulaiman Mahbob, the Chairman of MIDA yesterday at his office. He has gracefully accepted to be our Chairman of the Advisory Board replacing the former MIDA Chairman, Tan Sri Zainal Abidin.
He was also very pleased to see PAAM is progressing well and personally takes interest to appoint Cik Nurhafizah Mohamad as his personal assistant to coordinate with us.”
Cik Nuhafizah Mohamad (right) from the Machinery and Engineering Support Division of MIDA has been appointed by Tan Sri Dr. Sulaiman as the window-person to liaise with PAAM activities
PAAM (Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia) 25th Annual General Meeting was successfully conducted and concluded on 25th April 2010 at a renowned hotel in Shah Alam, Selangor. Forty three (43) registered members attended. Among the audience were observers from PAAM Sarawak branch and PAAM Johore branch. MIDA was represented by the window-person, Cik Nurhafizah Mohamad and representatives from SQ Corporate Services were also present. The AGM commenced with a welcoming speech from PAAM President Mr. Yang Chor Leong who gave a comprehensive report on PAAM recent activities. The election of the new CCM was held soon after that.
The new Central Committee Members line-up for the term 2010 – 2012 are as follows:-
President : | Mr. Yang Chor Leong |
Vice President : | Mr. Tan Teng Ek |
Honorary Gen. Secretary : | Ms. Maggie Yap |
Hon. Asst. Gen. Secretary : | Mr. Yap Choon Ming |
Honorary Treasurer: | Mr. Khor Kai Tong |
Hon. Asst. Treasurer : | Mr. Siao Kent Wah |
Committee Members : | Mr. Lim Eng Swee, Mr. A Aziz Y. Kamaruddin, Mr. Balaganesh G. Pavadai, Mr. Lee Eh Sin, Mr. Subramaniam Narayanan, Mr. R Chinniah Hj. Mohd Hakim Mohd No |
![]() PAAM staff meaning the registration desk | ![]() Hj. Moohd Hakim (PAAM CCM), Mr. Richard Eng (Vice Chairman, Johor branch) and Mr. R. Chinniah (Sumitomo) |
Name: Mr. Siao Kent Wah
Assistant Treasurer (2010-2012)
Mr. Siao Kent Wah currently holds the position of Assistant Treasurer. This is his second term in the Central Committee. He holds a Diploma in Electrical & Electronic. He has always been an active member since 1999 after his return from a six-month Technical Training Program in Japan under AOTS Scholarship Program. Mr. Siao attended a six-week Japanese Language Orientation in Kansai Kenshu Centre before attending 4.5 months of actual technical training in Kobelco Air Compressor, a division of Kobe Steel.
Mr. Siao is Partner in a company dealing in Sales and Service of air compressor and Air Compressor System integration. The company also dealing in Industrial Liquid Filter.
Married and blessed with three beautiful daughters, aged 13, 10 and 7 years old respectively.
METI Japan Representatives: Takeo Hoshino-san, Taro Aoyama-san & Takumi Kawai-san. PAAM Representatives: Mr. Aziz Kamaruddin, Ms Maggie Yap & Mr. CL Yang with Ms Anne from AOTS KL office.
In conjunction with the closure of AOTS KL office, the objectives of METI’s visit were to have better understanding on Alumni activities and achievements especially on the future planning of the collaboration activities between PAAM and METI that will be mutually beneficial to both parties. We have also provided details of PAAM past activities and some of our many significant achievements for the past 25 years. We also highlighted the recognition from the Japanese Government in awarding the “Japanese Foreign Affairs Minister’s Commendation Award 2009”
METI was very happy with these information& activities. Next, we shared and discussed some serious matters and forwarded our views on below matters:-
• The importance of learning Japanese Language in order to have better understanding & knowledge to acquire “know-how”.
• PAAM’s role as the party to coordinate program after the closure of AOTS-KL office.
• Conserved energy and awareness of the detrimental effects of global warming in Malaysia. Is it serious to the SME?
• Can PAAM play the role the coordinate and facilitate “Japanese SME Investors” to Malaysia?
We are glad to hear from METI on such development, and privileged if given the opportunity to play the role more actively and to expand the scope as established Alumni. Such collaboration is possible if we will pool our resources with the strong network we have with the industry for over 25 years. I strongly believe with PAAM readiness and proper infra-structure in place and the right resources and expertise from the members, we should take up such challenges. We shall look forward for further feedback from METI for such collaboration.
As announced earlier, AOTS KL office ceased its operation 31st March 2010. To commemorate the occasion, friends near and far came to bid farewell to the remaining staff; Ms. Anne Chong and Ms. Mei Pheng. Mr. Watanabe and Mr. Ichikawa who are former General Managers of AOTS KL Ofice were present to mark the occasion.
Representative from Malacca Industrial Skill Development Center (MISDEC), Mr. Hazizul Zamrud took his time off, driving all the way from Malacca to bid farewell to his old friends. In the evening, a farewell party was held to mark the occasion at a nearby restaurant together with PAAM Central Committee Members.
Finally, AOTS KL Office has come to its final end.
![]() The final light moments at the AOTS KL Office From left: Mr. Watanabe, Ms. Mei Pheng, Ms. Anne Chong, Mr. Takeshi Ichikawa |
![]() Mr. Hazizul Zamrud from MISDEC (middle) |
![]() Among friends at the Farewell Part |
Canon Opto Malaysia launched her in-house Japanese Course for their staff. Despite their on-going busy production activities, Canon Opto is determined to equip more of their staff with basic command of Japanese language. The official Kick-start Ceremony was held on 27th May 2010, attended by Canon Opto Managing Director Mr. Hiroshi Oshida, senior management staff, PAAM representatives led by the President, Mr. Yang Chor Leong and 25 enrolled participants of the course.
In his speech, MD Oshida expressed full support for the participants to attend the Japanese language class. He acknowledged that even for Japanese, he thinks studying Japanese language is difficult. He encouraged his staff to be determined and make effort to attend the class regularly. It is a weekly 2-hour class stretching over six month period. MD Oshida is looking forward to conversing Japanese with the participants by December this year or perhaps much earlier
PAAM wishes to thank the management of Canon Opto for their kind invitation to the Kick-Start Ceremony and has chosen a very experienced sensei, Abdul Karim Ishigaki san, who is equally determined to see more and more Malaysians speak the language.
The word “Sa” in the Japanese language, if expressed differently can mean different things to the Japanese. It is used when the Japanese wants the listener to do something. For example, when the last trainee has finally arrived, the team leader will say, “Sa, iko!” meaning “Come, let’s go”.
It is also used to express joy or surprise. So when the Japanese has successfully completed a task, he may say “Sa, dekita!” meaning “Here, it’s completed!”. Sometimes when he is hesitant in giving a concrete answer, the Japanese may give a dubious reply by saying “Sa…a, do-kana?” meaning (Well, I wonder….). In this case he will drag the word “sa” a little longer.
By just saying “Sa..a..” without uttering an extra word can also convey the feeling of reluctance to act or follow. For example, the husband may ask his wife where the children are. When the wife just replies ”Sa..a..”, the husband straightaway gets the hint that she is not keen to go out and look for the children.
It is also common for the Japanese to say “Sa..a..” and then give a slight pause before continuing with a negative statement. For example, “sa..a……wakaranai means “I don’t know” or “sa..a…..damedaro” which means “It’s probably no good”. So the next time you meet a Japanese and you are not sure what to say, just say “Sa..a…”
Happy Japanising!!! Warmest regards.
Ms. Siti Zubaidah resigned on March 31st to pursue her studies in a local university. We wish her every success in her endeavour. She is replaced by Ms. Haslinda Yahya, as our new Admin Asistant. We wish to welcome Ms. Haslinda to PAAM family.
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This year seven young Malaysians came forward to participate in our HIPPO Homestay Program held at the beautiful Nagoya City, Japan from 6th to 13th May. Seven families in Nagoya have volunteered to play hosts throughout the partipants stay in Japan.
On 28th April a pre-orientation program was organized for the participants and it was facilitated by Ms. Maggie Yap who herself has had participated in Homestay program in Nagoya and in several other cities in Japan. Ms. Maggie Yap shared her experience and knowledge wherein she focused on the preparation before leaving, how to adjust oneself while staying with the host family and what one should do after returning from Japan. On top of that Ms. Maggie also emphasized on the importance of taking along some knowledge on Japanese culture and their social norms which are different from us. She also listed down a guideline of some dos and don’ts to ensure all the participants an enjoyable and memorable stay with their host families.
PAAM staff have carefully prepared and checked all necessary traveling documents including air tickets, travel insurance and visa to ensure a pleasant journey to Japan and safe return to Malaysia. Finally at the end of the orientation, PAAM wished all participants a wonderful time to enjoy the beautiful scenery, the interesting landmarks, the wonderful people, the language and most of all, the exotic foods of Japan.
Well! All good time must come to an end and with a heavy heart and perhaps drops of tears, the participants have to bid sayonara to their new found family members in Nagoya, Japan. Good memories will definitely be cherished for a long time to come and by God’s willing there wil be opportunities when they will meet again, if not in Japan perhaps in Malaysia. Until then, minas an, mata aimashone
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Ms. Maggie giving explanation to participants | |
![]() PAAM staff with participant | ![]() Great pose from the participants before departure |
The following sample conversation can be useful when you are in a railway station.
Jimu: Sumimasen. Shinkansen wa doko desuka.
Jim: Where do I get on the Shinkansen?
Eki-in: Yukisaki wa dochira desuka.
Conductor : Which way are you going?
Jimu : Ee! Wakarimasen. Mou ichido itte kudasai.
Jim : Sorry, I don’t understand. Could you say that again?
Eki-in : Doko e ikimasuka.
Conductor : Where are you going?
Jimu: Kyoto e ikimasu ga…
Jim: I am going to Kyoto…
Eki-in: sore nara, juu ban sen, juuichi ban sen desu. Kippu o motte imasuka.
Conductor : Oh! That’ll be platform no. 10 or no.11. Do you have a ticket?
Jimu : lie! Kippu uriba wa doku desuka.
Jim : No! Where do I buy a ticket?
Eki-in: Asoko ni jidou hanbaiki ga arimasu.
Conductor: There,s an automatic vending machine over there.
Jimu: Shihei wa tsukaemasuka.
Jim: Can i use paper bills?
Eki-in: Hai! Shihei mo koin mo tsukaemasu.
Kaado mo tsukaemasu.
Conductor : Yes, you can use both bills and coins.
You can also use a prepaid card.
Jimu : Hontou ni arigato.
Jim : Thank you very much.
Dear Readers,
How are you getting along with Katakana Shiken? I hope the exercises will help you in understanding how loanwords are written and spoken. We will continue with a few more exercises and we hope you will have fun decoding whenever you encounter with loanwords written in katakana.
Loanwords are foreign words adopted into the Japanese language. The spelling and the pronunciation may differ from the original but I think you just need a little time and patience and in no time you will be skillful in decoding katakana. The following quiz will make it fun for the early learners to begin learning katakana. Match the katakana to their English equivalent. Use the blank column to decode.
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