Dear Members:
Time flies and we have bid goodbye to year 2008 and welcome year 2009. It is good to plan ahead and start to chart for year 2009 and hopefully for a much better year ahead.
We had the PAAM Annual Dinner & Cultural Night which was held on 29th November at a hotel in Subang Jaya. Thanks to the strong support from members and the generous sponsors for the many gifts that were given away as Lucky Draw prizes. My sincere appreciation to the Organizing Committee, staff and those who have directly or indirectly contributed to the success of this event. Thank you for their efforts and job well done.
We had two Tea-Talks successfully held. Both the topics were just as interesting. The first one was entitled “Do you want to Fly” covering on Aviation which was very informative. The other one was on “Health Care and Balanced Nutrition” which reminded us to be more health conscious.
As we will be launching the School 5S/Kaizen campaign soon after the school reopen for the new term in 2009, I strongly believe that this project will attract a lot attention from the community and students at large. The committee and project members are putting the final touch on the hand-book for easy reference to secondary school requirements for the successful implementation. We have identified a secondary school in Subang Jaya for this pilot project, where more than 2,000 students and over 100 teachers will be able to benefit from this program.
We were honored and very privileged to be invited by the Embassy of Japan to attend and celebrate their Emperor’s Birthday at his Excellency’s residence on 4th Dec 2008. The good crowd of more than 200 guests were entertained and served Japanese cuisine. It was truly a memorable night.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank each and every one of you for the strong support in making the PAAM year program-2008 a great success. Special thanks to all the Committee Members and the dedicated staff who are there providing the resources in making the activities possible.
Last but not least, wishing all Christians a belated “Merry Christmas” and to everyone “A Happy New Year 2009”. May you be Healthy & Happy Always. & to those celebrating Chinese New Year “Gong Xi Fa Cai”
President CL Yang . PJM
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HALF day Kaizen Seminar
“Towards to chronic health conditions Betterment: 5S & Kaizen”
at Wawasan Open University, Penang
on 16th August 2008
By: Mr. E.S Lim
As part of the annual Japan-Malaysia Festival 2008, PAAM in collaboration with Wawasan Open University, Penang organized a special Seminar on the Application of 5S and Kaizen activities.
Wawasan University provided the lecture facilities. The University officials graced this event. We were much honored by the attendance and support of the Japanese Consul-General, H.E. Mr. Hideaki Hoshi.
University students, local enterprise leaders, and managers/technical staff of various industries of Penang attended the event. The Pertubuhan Alumni ABK/AOTS Penang members, and the team from PAAM led by President Mr. Yang, made the event very grand and meaningful, reaching a total of about 200 participants.
5S and Kaizen are Japan-originated, important shop floor improvement activities. 5S is used as an important kick-start to conduct shop floor activities. This is followed by Kaizen to create continual improvement. The objective is to reach the “Business Pinnacle: Maintaining QCD (Quality, Costs, Delivery)” at the shop floor. Mr. Lim Eng Swee, a very experienced consultant and a hands-on industrialist with 30 years of working experience as a production engineering GM in a Japanese MNC, shared his experiences in applying 5S, as an initial start to work betterment activities.
Mr. Theodore Wong, a GM of a Japanese MNC, related various methods of finding, analyzing and taking action against shop floor problems.
On behalf of PAAM, we wish to express our sincere appreciation to everyone who directly and indirectly kindly extended their support to PAAM in making this event a great success.
Group photo : representatives from PAAM, ABK Penang and secretariat from WOU, Penang
AOTS Nite 2008
Cultural and Family Nite
on 29th November 2008
The guests came accompanied with their family members in their best multi-racial costumes, Malaysian style. Besides fun and games for the children, the Nite brought back memories of the 60s and 70s when entertained by the ala-Tom Jones and ala-Engel Bert Humperdinck singer, serenading oldies and evergreens. Food was plentiful. The guests readily shared their warm hands of friendship. The nite ended with guests wishing “see you again soon”. With their appetites sated, and their hearts entertained, old friendships were rekindled, and new friendships made. Most went home happy, their hands full – carrying the Lucky Draw prizes.
By: En. Hakim
Besides fun and games for the children, the Nite brought back memories of the 60s and 70s | ||||||||
Reception for promotion of
Kagawa Product & Japanese Food Demonstration
on 25th July 2008
Memorable photos during the reception. The Embassy of Japan held a reception to promote the Japanese Agricultural and Marine Product Industries on jointly with Kagawa Prefecture. All the dishes prepared at the reception were cooked by the Japanese Ambassador’s Chef. The chef introduced Japanese Cooking to the guests, including the demonstrating how to make sushi.
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By: Ms. Maggie Yap
On 16th November 2008 PAAM organized a very interesting health talk on nutritional therapy. Facilitated by Dato’ Steve Yap, a practicing Nutritional Therapist as well as Anti Aging Health and Complementary Medicine Practitioner, the morning talk attracted 43 participants.</p.
1. There is an alternative treatment for most of today’s chronic health problems i.e. through nutritional therapy. Health conditions such as heart attack (arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis), problems in digestive/bowel systems, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, immune system, high blood pressure (hyper tension) , allergies (sinus, skin, food), elevated fasting [(insulin/insulin resistance/Syndrome X (hypercholesterolenemia)], glucose intolerance (prediabeticsII), elevated blood fat (hyperlipididemia), heavy metal poisoning, yeast connected (candidaalbicans), elevated blood uric acid (hyperuricemia, gout), low metabolism (hypothyroidism), overweight/obesity, poor blood circulation, acne, chronic inflammatory problems (sore throat, hemorrhoids), gum diseases (periodontitis) premenstrual syndrome (PMS), back aches, fatigue (hypoadrenia), insomnia, and pre-mature aging are all treatable through nutritional changes.
2. There are also many diseases which are stress-induced. Examples of these are: insomnia, sinus, low immune, cancer, and stroke. It is therefore important to learn how to manage our stress.
3. The consumption of cooking oils is also crucial in determining our health status. Cooking oils that can withstand the highest degree of heat are the best type of oil as they are not easily changed into trans fats. Surprisingly, the humble coconut oil, especially of extra virgin type, comes out tops among all types of oils including the much touted extra virgin olive oil.
4. A last health tip: eat local, because imported foods are not necessarily the best. We can get lot of high fiber and low sugar from fruits that are locally grown and they are very reasonably priced. Examples of foods with high nutritional value are tomato, sengkuang, garlic, tapioca leaves; bitter gourd can lower blood pressure.
The health-freaks for that morning walked away fully satisfied, having learned many new things, especially how to keep their bodies healthy and fit.
Receiving guests from Japan PAAM and AOTS KL Office |
Visit by Mr. Masafumi Sato, Director of JEF (Japan Engineers Federation) on 23rd July 08 |
![]() Visit by Mr. Masafumi Sato, Director of JEF (Japan Engineers Federation) on 23rd July 08 |